Low Emission Zone in Dundee

Hosted by Dundee & Angus Chamber of Commerce

Location: Online

Date & Time

Thursday, Aug 5, 2021 at 14:00 - 15:00

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£0 (members) | £0 (non members)

Dundee City Council have been developing proposals for a Low Emission Zone (LEZ) in the city and have now identified a final preferred LEZ option.  Details on Dundee Low Emissions Zone Scheme Proposal can be found here  -  or download proposal.

Dundee City Council and Dundee & Angus Chamber of Commerce  (DACC) would like to invite you to discuss the Low Emission Zone proposals directly with members of the Council’s LEZ delivery group at a briefing session on Thursday 5th August, 2021 at 2pm.


As part of the process, Systra Ltd have had regular dialogue with the business community in the city, with their views helping to shape the final LEZ option.  A stakeholder workshop for city businesses was held in Autumn 2019 during an initial consultation period and in February this year the Council’s LEZ delivery group presented progress on the LEZ to members of the Dundee Business Recovery Group meeting.  Prior to finalising the proposal for the LEZ, city centre businesses were invited in March 2021 to complete a short questionnaire to help shape the final detail of the LEZ.

The Council launched an eight-week consultation on the final preferred LEZ option on 14th June and you can provide your views through the online survey at www.dundeecity.gov.uk/lez alternatively by written response to the Council on dundee.lez@dundeecity.gov.uk.  

Dundee City Council and DACC are jointly hosting this event on Thursday 5th August , 2021 at 2pm to enable businesses and relevant stakeholders to discuss the LEZ proposals directly with members of the Council’s LEZ delivery group during the consultation period.

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