SCC Comment on Manufactured Export Figures


27th January 2014

Commenting on the release of official data which showed that Scottish manufactured exports fell by 2.2% in the third quarter of 2013, Liz Cameron, Chief Executive of Scottish Chambers of Commerce, said:

“These figures tally with the findings of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce Quarterly Business Survey, which has shown falling export trends throughout 2013. However we have also measured an increase in domestic orders from across Scotland and the rest of the UK during the same period and this rise in domestic demand has more than compensated for the overall fall in exports.

“That said, there are some important concerns over sectors which rely heavily on exports such as food and drink. Whilst we would like to see more businesses looking towards overseas markets, we must recognise that the global economy remains patchy and therefore breadth of exporting and targeting key growth markets will be extremely important in sustaining exports this year and next.”

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