Did you know that as an employer, you could benefit from a great offer from the NHS Tayside Healthy Working Lives team?
Available to Tayside Employers (Conditions Apply), they can provide grants of up to £250 to help you with initiatives to help support your employees\' health and well being.
You can find more information via the online application link. Or if you would like to discuss any ideas you might have you can contact Sylvia Mudie directly by email or phone on 01382 424135.
NHS Tayside
Because we all tend to think of it in health terms, we often lose sight of the fact that NHS Tayside is a major force in the local economy. Its spending, either directly on capital projects or indirectly through its staff salaries, sustains many private sector jobs. Its long standing and very successful collaboration with the University of Dundee has been significant in making Dundee a globally recognised leader in life sciences. And its work to improve the health of the population also benefits business, by providing local companies with healthier and, therefore, more productive workers. That is why everyone at DACC is excited about building even stronger links and more effective collaboration with NHS Tayside to create thriving communities across Dundee and Angus.