Are you an employer? Want to:
• Join a ground-breaking campaign to kickstart the digital skills your business needs?
• Help improve the career prospects of young people in Scotland?
• Provide a young person with a valuable workplace placement?
• Find someone to help you with your business social media?
About the Pilot
The eight-week pre-employment training programme was designed by the BBC, using inspiration from BBC content and training assets. Five weeks will be based in college, and three weeks on work placement.
During the training programme the participants will learn key skills on topics such as social media, professional etiquette, Search Engine Optimisation, and graphic design.
Launching in autumn, the pilot will provide unemployed young people with a foundation in digital skills. Candidates will need to show a passion and curiosity for the digital world, along with a desire to learn new skills in new environments.
SDS is funding the programme through the Employability Fund, which supports activities that help people develop the skills they need to get a job. The pilot will include up to 12 people (aged 16-24) per college who are studying with:
- City of Glasgow College
- Glasgow Clyde College
- Glasgow Kelvin College
- Edinburgh College
- Dundee and Angus College
- Dumfries and Galloway College
Grow your workforce
This is where you can get involved. We are looking for local businesses in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee and Dumfries to provide three week work placements, so that BBC Make It Digital in Scotland learners get the opportunity to apply their new skills in a real work environment. The placements can be with employers of any size, but should provide experience of work within a digital environment in an area like social media.
At the end of the programme, candidates will be looking to move into a full time job or an apprenticeship. Ideally, this will be with the same employer they completed their work placement with – however, there’s no obligation on you as an employer to employ the person on placement.
What\'s next?
If your business is based in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee or Dumfries and you think you could help a young person experience how digital skills and technologies are used at work, then we would like to hear from you.
For more information, email us with your name, company name, address and telephone number, and we’ll be in touch.
Skills Development Scotland
In support of youth employment, SDS is one of the delivery partners for the Scottish Government's guaranteed offer of a place in education or training for all 16 to 19-year-olds through Opportunities for All.