Advocating Together Feasibility Survey


19th March 2018

Advocating Together is a member led, capacity building, independent advocacy organisation for people with learning disabilities, autism and/or communication difficulties. We want the people we work with to be noticed for the value they bring and the capacity they have. Communication is always key, and we encourage our members to speak up for themselves and talk to other organisations and individuals about the importance of accessible and inclusive communication. We are doing research as part of a bigger feasibility study to find out what organisations and businesses might want from a workshop on inclusive communication.

You can take part in the Survey here

Inclusive communication means sharing information in a way that anyone can understand. Inclusive Communication respects with communication support needs.

We would really appreciate your feedback on this. Completing this survey should take no longer than 5 minutes.

We are offering

Beginner Training (Raising awareness)
Intermediate Training (Certificate of completion)
Advanced Training (SQA accredited training)


Advocating Together (Dundee) SCIO

Advocating Together (Dundee) SCIO is an independent advocacy and capacity building organisation which benefits people in Scotland with learning disabilities and/or autistic spectrum disorders, and/or complex communication needs. We defend and safeguard their human rights through Independent Advocacy. We are also able to support businesses with innovative and dynamic inclusive communication through our learning and innovation brand 'Tutti'.

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