Scottish MEPs and Scottish Chamber network delegates meet


15th June 2011

This meeting was designed as an introductory round table session for the Scottish MEPs and the Chamber network to flag up priorities and current work and to explore opportunities for further engagement and co-operation.

Scottish MEPs and Scottish Chamber delegates meetThe discussion was lively and wide-ranging, as delegates and MEPs shared their priorities and concerns.  Some clear, concrete actions were agreed to take several of these issues forward, and the Chamber network and MEPs will have be able to review progress made over the coming months:

  • SCC to follow up relevant issues as raised by several Chamber delegates in the Green Paper on Procurement with Catherine Stihler MEP.
  • Christine Jones to bring together information for MEPs regarding proposed North Sea drilling moratorium.
  • The Chambers raised concerns regarding the lack of effective consultation and engagement with the private sector in determining priorities for economic development activity in Scotland with regard to European objectives and where funding should be targeted.
  • SCC offered to provide support and to coordinate the Chamber network to provide support to the Scottish MEPs on any issue where they would find a business contribution relevant and useful.

Those Chamber delegates and MEPs at the meeting agreed that it would be useful to come together as a group on a six-monthly basis, with meetings being hosted by Chambers around the country to enable all local Chambers to access them.

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