DACC Magazine Survey


30th May 2019

Hi, Dom here, the Digital Marketing Apprentice for the Chamber. I am responsible for all the member news and events that are published on our website and shared across our social media. I have been assigned to do a social media campaign as part of my apprenticeship course and have chosen to do it around our DACC magazine, ConnectED.

The reason for choosing the magazine is quite simple, I want ConnectED to gain a bigger buzz and have a wider social media presence. The overall aim is to increase the awareness of the Chamber magazine to members, non-members and possibly tap into a new audience.

As evidence for the campaign, I must conduct a survey in order to find out the demographic of people who are reading ConnectED. This will help me build customised personas to go along with my campaign. Having a persona is evidence, and it proves that customer research was done. The survey allows me to analyse and see what the target audience for the magazine is, so that I know whom I must aim the campaign at. From the findings, I can also see what Chamber members are interacting with ConnectED and what they think of it. These findings will give me a better understanding of what we can do in the future to increase our audience. All the information that will be gathered from the survey will be used as evidence for my portfolio.

Any Chamber member who would like to support me can do so by sparing 5 minutes of their time to completing the survey below, thank you.

Survey Link: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/KV9Z83L 

I am also doing a case study from my findings which includes a small interview that links back to the magazine questions from the survey, this will be used as further evidence for the portfolio – if you would like to take part, please contact me on Dominykasstoncius@dundeeandanguschamber.co.uk

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