Grants For Women's Projects 2011/12


19th August 2011

Women play a crucial role in creating and sustaining strong communities but there are often barriers which prevent their participation or engagement with local opportunities, or stop them fulfilling their potential to play a role within the broader community. The Scottish Community Foundation aims to help Scotland's communities become stronger, believing that stronger communities will be more successful communities, with a better quality of life for everyone. Grants will be available to organisations predominantly run by/for women and women-only projects which seek to support and empower women back in to employment.

Grants between £2,000 - £5,000 are available for projects that meet the aim of the fund 'to support projects that enable women to be better able to cope with the effects of the economic downtown and to make changes that enable them to turn lives around'.

Applications can be made using the application which is available from You will also find guidelines there, or you can contact the Grants team on 0141 341 4960 or via email at

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