Dundee has been named in a list of the 25 Best UK Towns & Cities to Work In, based on factors including job satisfaction, job openings, median base salary and average house value.
The list, complied by glassdoor.co.uk* includes Dundee as the only one in Scotland within the top 25.
See the full list here
*Glassdoor’s Best UK Towns & Cities to Work In report identifies UK towns and cities with the highest overall Glassdoor Town & City Score, based on a comparison of 50 of the most populated UK towns and cities with populations above 100,000. Each region’s Glassdoor Town & City Score, based on a 5-point scale (5.0=best city for a job, 1.0=worst city for a job), is determined by weighing three factors equally: hiring opportunity, cost of living and job satisfaction. Hiring opportunity is the ratio of active job openings to population. Cost of living is the ratio of median base salary to average home value. Report published on 26/02/20. For full methodology, email pr@glassdoor.com.
Dundee City Council
Dundee draws skilled workers from a 60-minute catchment population of 640,000 and has a local population of over 140,000. The availability of a large pool of highly skilled labour is a key feature in the Dundee economy. Flexibility in the labour force is currently more prevalent in Dundee than in Scotland as a whole. All forms of labour market flexibility - part-time, temporary employment, self-employment and shift work - are widely operational within the city. Labour force stability in the city is excellent, enabling companies to plan with confidence. Labour turnover levels are less than 5% and absenteeism averages 2%.