Dundee in UK top 20 of Guardian University Guide 2021


7th September 2020

The University of Dundee is placed in the top 20 of the latest UK University rankings published by The Guardian.

Dundee has jumped to 19th, up from 29th, in the 2021 edition of The Guardian’s University Guide. In the subject rankings, Dundee is top for Medicine and in the top five for Dentistry (3rd), Design & Crafts (4th) and Education (4th).

Professor David Maguire, Interim Principal & Vice-Chancellor of the University, said, “This is a very good result and reflects the hard work done by all within in our community to deliver a great University experience for students, Gold-standard teaching and research which is making a real impact on society, locally and globally.”

The full Guardian University Guide 2021 rankings can be found here - https://www.theguardian.com/education/ng-interactive/2020/sep/05/the-best-uk-universities-2021-league-table 

University of Dundee

Nobel Prize winning poet and honorary graduate Seamus Heaney has described the University of Dundee as ‘having its head in the clouds and its feet firmly on the ground.’ The ability to be both aspirational and down-to earth and to blend ground-breaking intellectual achievement with practical applications, has given the University its distinctive character.

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