Balhousie Care Group’s very own Oor Wullie begins special care home tour


26th October 2020

‘Oor Inclusive’, an intergenerational sculpture created and won at a charity auction by leading care provider Balhousie Care Group, has begun a special tour of all 25 of the Group’s care homes across Scotland.

Oor Inclusive, part of the popular Oor Wullie’s BIG Bucket Trail, was created through an intergenerational project where young and old came together and shared ideas for the sculpture. Schoolchildren from Dundee, Angus and Perthshire worked with Balhousie residents to create a patchwork design on the sculpture inspired by Dundee city, its textile heritage and strong culture of togetherness.

The project has become even more meaningful in light of the restrictions now in place in the care homes which have meant residents cannot meet and work closely with the younger generation like they could for a project like Oor Inclusive just 12 months ago.

To keep spirits up and give each care home a boost, Oor Inclusive has set off, with a specially commissioned hand-made mask, to visit each home.

Oor Inclusive’s first stop is Balhousie St Ronans care home in Dundee, where he was based during his creation. Here he’s enjoying posing for selfies and is at the heart of the home’s activities.

It is hoped that Oor Inclusive will inspire themed parties, garden events and virtual community events to celebrate his visits at the various Balhousie Care homes, which reach as far north as Huntly in Aberdeenshire and down to Bonnybridge near Falkirk.

Oor Wullie’s BIG Bucket Trail, Scotland’s first ever national art trail, took place during Summer 2019. The Trail saw an array of Oor Wullies on the streets of towns and cities all over Scotland to raise money for the ARCHIE Foundation with each of the charity’s hospital regions hosting an auction to raise money for the hospital in their area.

Balhousie Care Group’s Group Chief Executive Officer Jill Kerr, who secured Oor Inclusive after a nail-biting bidding war at the charity auction last year, is delighted to see Oor Inclusive finally able to visit the homes. She said:

“’Oor Inclusive’ is extra special to us because our residents helped create his unique design, along with local children. He sums up everything Balhousie Care Group is about: community, togetherness and fun.”

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Balhousie Care Group

Balhousie Care homes provide residents with a happy, friendly, safe and caring environment coupled with an exceedingly high level of accommodation.

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