In Your Shoes - Eilis Elder

Eilis works for Kilmac with a focus on PR & Marketing. She also has a huge hand to play in Kilmac's participation in local employability programmes. Kilmac Ltd are a construction and development contractor based in Tayside with offices in Dundee and Perth. They employ over 100 people in their business carrying out construction and development projects predominantly in East and Central Scotland.
The company was formed in 2004 by Richard Kilcullen and Athole McDonald. Both directors are civil engineers and have worked together since 1988. The aim when they started the business was to dominate the medium sized civils market.

Employee Relations & Furniture issues...

My working week started with a trip to site.  I was encouraging our staff to fill out the staff survey and I also helped people with no access to a computer or they struggle to use one. Kilmac are great as they really value their employee’s opinions and do their best to keep their employees happy. 

We had some new chairs delivered to the office so I attempted to build them, it did not go well! Got confused by the instructions and the 3 million pieces!!  Some jobs are best left to the men.

Tonight I planned to go for a run – it did not happen!

Kilmac Foundation coming soon!

A visit to Boomerang in Stobswell was on the cards today to discuss the Kilmac Foundation with them.  It was a very humbling experience and I left feeling very grateful for all I have.  We are in the process of officially launching our Foundation and our aim is to make a real difference to individuals and communities.

Tonight I planned to go to boot camp – it did not happen!

Communication is key

A day in the office today working on Kilmacs  newsletter.  We want to communicate all our good news with our clients so feel that a newsletter is the way to go.  I updated our website with new contracts and news stories. One of our Contracts Managers Hoovy needs a hand sorting out permits so many phone calls later and we get there!

The boys stay with their dad on a Wednesday so I planned to go for a run – it did not happen!

Employability scheme continues with success!

Up early and off to Perth to the Mill Street job.  Myself and Jimmy our resource manager were interviewing a group of long term unemployed for the 2nd stage of our Employability scheme.  The first co-hort has been very successful with all 5 boys being employed full time. Our emails were down so I hand delivered a written note to the Perth Office!

Mill Street job sees visible progress

A tired start after a midnight phone call from my oldest son Jack who was out chasing cows that had escaped from the farm he works on! I then spent the morning in the office doing contracts up for our Employability guys and afternoon at Mill Street. It was great to see the difference in it even after a few days.  It is going to be fantastic when its all finished.

Friday night I decided not to bother planning exercise as I needed a night off planning!


Date night! I have a play date with Anna and Eva who are my friend Lorraine’s twins.  They are absolutely adorable and have overcome so much after being born at just 24 weeks. We had lots of giggles with snapchat and I got a curry for my tea which was a result!

Maybe next week...

Doggy parlour for Joey this morning, I went to pick him up and the groomer had put a bow tie on him... Joey is not a bow tie kind of dog, and I am sure he was embarrassed!

And guess what... I planned a run and cancelled it!! Maybe next week.