As a member, you have FREE access to FOUR essential business services
- Chamber HR
- Chamber Health & Safety
- Chamber Legal
- Chamber Tax
Chamber HR/Legal/Tax/H&S - 24/7 phone helpline for all your staffing queries, online toolkit of 240 policies, contracts and templates, compliant Employee Handbook. To access the ChamberHR website click the button below. If you need your login details please visit your membership dashboard or, get in touch with the Chamber team.
What's included?
Essential HR, Legal, Tax and Health & Safety information and advice
- Unlimited access to the HR / employment law advice line
- Unlimited access to an HR website with a document library
- Unlimited access to a Legal Advice line
- Unlimited access to an online library of template legal documents
- Unlimited access to health & safety advice
- Unlimited access to an online library of health & safety documents
- Unlimited access to advice on tax and VAT matters
In summary, you have unlimited access to five business advice lines and over 750 free business documents.
Access to this premium quality service is included in the membership fee.
The Quest website gives you access to over 750 free template documents covering HR, employment law, health and safety and legal matters. The website also includes HR and H&S Health Checks.
What can I use the service for?
To help you resolve any issues that you have with HR and employment law, health & safety, legal or tax. However, you don’t have to wait until you have an issue or a serious problem before you call. The advice line will help answer any questions you may have.
Advice line
Once you become a member, you'll have access to the Quest Advice Line. One number giving unlimited access to experienced advisors offering practical advice on HR, employment law, health & safety, legal issues plus tax and VAT matters.