ACD gives away 20 mud kitchens


3rd February 2021

Alexander Community Development’s Trades for All programme is giving away 20 mud kitchens to organisations and groups in the city.

ACD is planning to sell the mud kitchens through their Trades for All programme, and use the profits to begin hiring young people into the programme. It is the intention to take on trainees during 2021, who will be mentored by the newly appointed project leader, Rab Alexander.

To launch their new product, ACD have decided to give away 20 mud kitchens for free, to worthwhile organisations. The applicants are encouraged to note their interest via , with a short statement about the work that they do.

For those who aren’t successful, they will be able to purchase one for £50 or order a custom built kitchen.

This giveaway kicks off the growth of Trades for All, which aim to become Dundee’s first community organisation which operates multi-trade building services. Trades for All completes all kinds of trades work from kitchen and bathrooms to painting and plastering, with priority always given to the 3rd sector. We complete the work with the support of retired tradespeople, who want to share their skills with some of our young volunteers and trainees. As an asset locked organisation, all profits generated will be driven back into creating further trainee and apprenticeship opportunities for the young people of Dundee. More information will be released on this in Summer 2021, however priority will be given to those applicants who have previously completed Transition to Trade.

The mud kitchens will also be built with support from kickstart placements. ACD recently confirmed their place as a gateway organisation, creating a minimum of 30 placements for young people with their partner organisations. This government supported scheme, creates 6 months, paid work for people currently accessing unemployment payments.

Rab, Project Leader, Trades for All – ‘I am very excited to be a part of ACD and lead the growing Trades for All programme. I believe in giving people a chance, and I believe that pairing the skill sets of retired tradespeople, with young people creates an unique partnership. It’s going to be great giving away these mud kitchens to the people in Dundee, and hopefully others will support us by buying one too!’

If you have any questions, please contact directly. 

Alexander Community Development

Alexander Community Development has developed from 20 years of work in the decorating trade, both in practise and education. The sister company of ACD, Alexander Decorators LTD has lead the way in developing skill and talent in the trade, and this work will now be built upon in ACD. Within in this live working environment, there will be programmes delivered for children and young people who are looking to gain qualifications and skills that will gain them future employment opportunities.

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